
Welcome to Auromine Support

Here you will find every manual and video clip you need to guide you through the processes involved in using our hardware and software products.
We offer the best service, hardware, and software products and to ensure they fully enjoy the unlimited possibilities of our product, we also provide a wide range of manuals and short "How to" video clips.
Our support center is equipped with every solution to any problem you might encounter with any of our products and services as we have tested all our products and are ahead of any problem you might encounter. Our support center provides the best service to customers and ensures every query is resolved in less than 24 hours. We treat our customers with the utmost and ensure they are always happy with our products and services.
On this page, you can get the following information;
Information on how to install and setup programs you purchase from us to ensure you fully enjoy the variety of features it contains.
Information on how to setup hardware products you purchase from us to ensure you fully enjoy the variety of functions.
Short and simple video clips on how to carry out various functions.
The steps involved in the process of credit card transactions.
Program and features of our various software and hardware products.
And more You can also contact our support center for help on any product or any queries you have.

Contact Us

Auromine Retail POS Pvt. Ltd

#150/4, 1st Floor, Verpery High Road ,
Periamet, Chennai - 600 003,
Tamil Nadu, India

 Support :  +91-44-428-36406


 Sales   :  +91-44-428-36406


 Email   :  [email protected]